Thủ Thuật Hướng dẫn Which of the following tools allows the user to set security rules for an instance quizlet? Mới Nhất
Hoàng Quang Hưng đang tìm kiếm từ khóa Which of the following tools allows the user to set security rules for an instance quizlet? được Update vào lúc : 2022-09-26 02:24:35 . Với phương châm chia sẻ Bí kíp Hướng dẫn trong nội dung bài viết một cách Chi Tiết 2022. Nếu sau khi tham khảo Post vẫn ko hiểu thì hoàn toàn có thể lại Comment ở cuối bài để Admin lý giải và hướng dẫn lại nha.-Network Object: Gateways, hosts, networks, address ranges, dynamic objects, security zones, inter-operable devices, domains, and logical servers
-Service: Protocols, protocol groups
-Custom Application/Site: Applications, user categor ies, URL categorizations
-VPN Community: Site-to-Site or Remote Access VPNs
-User: Users, user groups, user templates
-Server: Trusted Certificate Authorities, RADIUS, TACACS, OPSEC
-Resource: URI, SMTP, FTP, TCP, CIFS
-Time Object: Time, time group, bandwidth limit on upload and tải về rates
-Usercheck Interactions: Message windows (Ask, Cancel, Certificate template, Inform and Drop)
-Limit: Download and upload bandwidth

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This layer receives its requests from the Application layer:
Control layer
This layer is also known as the Infrastructure layer:
Physical layer
This layer communicates with the Control layer through what is called the northbound interface:
Application layer
This layer provides the Physical layer with configuration and instructions:
Control layer
On this layer, individual networking devices use southbound APIs to communicate with the control
Physical layer
Perform a heapsort on each of the following lists of numbers. Draw the heap for each step in the process. a. 8, 14, 15, 3, 7, b. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, c. 5, 4, 3, 2, 1.
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OtherComputer SkillsFlashcards
How can I secure my data in the cloud?
How do cloud networks work?
What is the role of segmentation in cloud security?
Segmentation divides a network into network segments using a Virtual Local Area Network (VLAN) and firewalls. To protect segments, filter traffic between segments with a deny all statement and then add rules to allow necessary traffic.
Aids in monitoring traffic for security issues.
Limits any damage to the compromised segment.
How do cloud-based firewalls work? Why are they important for security?
A software network device that is deployed in the cloud that protects against unwanted access to a private network.
Cloud access security broker (CASB)
An on-premises cloud-based software tool or service that sits between an organization and a cloud service provider.
Virtual networks
Virtual machines and devices connected through software.
The division of a network into smaller networks through a virtual local area network (VLAN) and firewalls.
Security group
A security group works like a firewall to control traffic to and from network resources.
Virtual private cloud (VPC) endpoint
A virtual device that provides a private connection between virtual private clouds and a cloud provider's services. A VPC endpoint keeps traffic secure with a private link resource.
A standard unit of software that holds the complete runtime environment including an application, all application dependencies, libraries, binaries, and configuration files.
Cloud-based firewall
A software network device that is deployed in the cloud that protects against unwanted access to a private network.
Which of the following tools allows the user to set security rules for an instance of an application that interacts with one organization and different security rules for an instance of the application when interacting with another organization?
Instance awareness
Instance awareness is the ability to apply cloud security within an application that has rules specific to an instance. This tool allows the user to set security rules for an instance of an app interacting with one organization and different security rules for an instance of the app when it interacts with another.
What is the system that connects application repositories, systems, and IT environments in a way that allows access and exchange of data over a network by multiple devices and locations called?
Cloud integration is the system that connects application repositories, systems, and IT environments in a way that allows access and exchange of data over a network by multiple devices and locations.
Which of the following methods can cloud providers implement to provide high availability?
Cloud service providers replicate data in multiple zones and within zones to provide high availability. Replication:
- Helps eliminate downtime (the time your data is unavailable).
- Redirects to another availability zone when a zone fails.
Which formula is used to determine a cloud provider's availability percentage?
Uptime/uptime + downtime
To determine the best cloud provider for your organization, compare cloud service providers' availability percentages.
- Availability percentage = uptime/uptime +
- The higher the percentage, the more resilient and reliable a provider is.
Which type of firewall operates Layer 7 of the OSI model?
Application layer
Application layer firewalls work on Layer 7 of the OSI model. They are considered third-generation firewalls.
Which of the following can provide the most specific protection and monitoring capabilities?
Cloud access security broker
A cloud access security broker (CASB) is an on-premises, cloud-based software tool or service that sits between an organization and a
cloud service provider. A CASB can offer malware protection and encryption and can also give more specific protection and monitoring capabilities than secure web gateways (SWGs) and enterprise firewalls.
Which of the following is a network device that is deployed in the cloud to protect against unwanted access to a private network?
Cloud-based firewall
A cloud-based firewall is a software
network device that is deployed in the cloud. It protects against unwanted access to a private network.
Which of the following is a network security service that filters malware from user-side internet connections using different techniques?
Secure web gateway
Secure web gateways (SWGs) are network security services that filter malware from user-side internet connections. SWGs use URL
filtering, application control, data loss prevention, HTTPS inspections, and antivirus protection.
Which type of firewall protects against packets coming from certain IP addresses?
Packet-filtering firewalls work on Layer 3. They are considered to be first-generation firewalls. These firewalls check a packet's source and destination address, protocol, and destination ports.
They can protect against packets coming from certain IP addresses.
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