Video _________ is a standalone software that does not need human help/host program to spread. - Lớp.VN

Thủ Thuật về _________ is a standalone software that does not need human help/host program to spread. Chi Tiết

Bùi Mạnh Hùng đang tìm kiếm từ khóa _________ is a standalone software that does not need human help/host program to spread. được Cập Nhật vào lúc : 2022-10-31 16:40:14 . Với phương châm chia sẻ Mẹo về trong nội dung bài viết một cách Chi Tiết Mới Nhất. Nếu sau khi Read Post vẫn ko hiểu thì hoàn toàn có thể lại Comments ở cuối bài để Ad lý giải và hướng dẫn lại nha.

Definition: A computer worm is a malicious, self-replicating software program (popularly termed as 'malware') which affects the functions of software and hardware programs.

Description: It fits the description of a computer virus in many ways. For example, it can also self-replicate itself and spread across networks. That is why worms are often referred to as viruses also. But computer worms are different from computer viruses in certain aspects. First, unlike viruses which need to cling on to files (host files) before they can diffuse themselves inside a computer, worms exist as separate entities or standalone software. They do not need host files or programs. Secondly, unlike viruses, worms do not alter files but reside in active memory and duplicate themselves. Worms use parts of the operating system that are automatic and usually invisible to the user. Their existence in the system becomes apparent only when their uncontrolled replication consumes system resources, slowing or halting other tasks in the process. In order to spread, worms either exploit the vulnerability of the target system or use some kind of social engineering method to trick users into executing them. Once they enter a system, they take advantage of file-transport or information-transport features in the system that allows them to travel unaided. A computer worm called 'Stuxnet worm’ turned heads the world over recently when it attacked the nuclear facilities of Iran. This worm reportedly destroyed roughly a fifth of Iran's nuclear centrifuges by causing them to spin out of control by increasing the pressure on the spinning centrifuges, while displaying that everything was under control. It managed this feat by replaying the plant's protection system values in the control room while the attack was happening.

Macro Virus: These type of virus infects word, excel, PowerPoint, access and other data files. Once infected repairing of these files is very much difficult.

Master boot record files: MBR viruses are memory-resident viruses and copy itself to the first sector of a storage device which is used for partition tables or OS loading programs .A MBR virus will infect this particular area of Storage device instead of normal files. The easiest way to remove a MBR virus is to clean the MBR area,

Boot sector virus: Boot sector virus infects the boot sector of a HDD or FDD. These are also memory resident in nature. As soon as the computer starts it gets infected from the boot sector.  Cleaning this type of virus is very difficult.

Multipartite virus: A hybrid of Boot and Program/file viruses. They infect program files and when the infected program is executed, these viruses infect the boot record. When you boot the computer next time the virus from the boot record loads in memory and then start infecting other program files on disk

Polymorphic viruses: A virus that can encrypt its code in different ways so that it appears differently in each infection. These viruses are more difficult to detect.

Stealth viruses: These types of viruses use different kind of techniques to avoid detection. They either redirect the disk head to read another sector instead of the one in which they reside or they may alter the reading of the infected file’s size shown in the directory listing. For example, the Whale virus adds 9216 bytes to an infected file; then the virus subtracts the same number of bytes (9216) from the size given in the directory.

Cybersecurity Prologue Fresco Play MCQs Answers

Disclaimer: The main motive to provide this solution is to help and support those who are unable to do these courses due to facing some issue and having a little bit lack of knowledge. All of the material and information contained on this website is for knowledge and education purposes only.

Try to understand these solutions and solve your Hands-On problems. (Not encourage copy and paste these solutions)

Time to Evaluate Your Understanding!

1.Malware cannot inflict physical damage to systems.


Answer: 2)False

2.The type of malware that restricts access to the computer either by encrypting files on the hard drive or by displaying messages demanding a ransom is called __________.


Answer: 3)Ransomware

3._________ is commonly known for providing backdoor access to the system for malicious users.


Answer: 3)Trojans

4.The type of malware that tricks users by making them believe that their computer has been infected with a virus is called __________.


Answer: 4)Scareware

5._________ is a standalone software that does not need human help/host program to spread.


Answer: 4)Worm

6.An error message displayed on the system symbolizes virus infection.


Answer: 1)False

7.Which of the following malware is designed for advertising, such as pop-up screens?


Answer: 1)Adware

8.Which of the following is used to draw in users and infect them and deploy fast changing infrastructures?


Answer: 1)Malnet

9._________________ is a device infected by malware, which becomes part of a network of infected devices administered by a single attacker or attack group.

BotHoneynetRootkitHoneypotTime to Evaluate Your Understanding!

Answer: 1)Bot

10.The common term for a software that is considered as nonessential, whose implementation can compromise privacy or weaken the computer's security is called ___________.

SpamMalwareMalicious ProgramPotentially Unwanted Program

Answer: 4)Potentially Unwanted Program

11.________ is designed to extract data from its host computer for marketing purposes.


Answer: 1)Spyware

12.What is PUP?

Practially Unwanted ProgramPotentially Unwanted ProcssPotentially Unwanted ProgramPractically Unrelated Program

Answer: 3)Potentially Unwanted Program

13.The method of protecting programs, networks, and systems from digital attacks is commonly known as __________.


Answer: 4)Cybersecurity

14.Programs that are specifically designed to disrupt the performance of computers/networks are commonly known as __________.


Answer: 1)Ransomware

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Time to Evaluate Your Understanding!

1.The security posture of an organization is defined by the ______ link in the chain.


Answer: 1)Weakest

2.Which of the following attributes is not a PII?

Date of BirthCredit Card InformationIP AddressAccount NumbersSocial Security Number

Answer: 3)IP Address

3.The security attribute that aims to achieve data privacy and protection against unauthorized disclosure is called ____________.


Answer: 4)Confidentiality

4.As an application of cryptography, digital Signatures and MACs can be used for _____________.

Authentication ConfidentialityAvailabilityIntegrity

Answer: 1)Authentication

5.Threats can exploit assets if assets are not vulnerable.


Answer: 1)False

6.Which of the following is an attack against confidentiality?

Password AttackDoS AttackCross Site Scripting AttackMan in the Middle Attack

Answer: 4)Man in the Middle Attack

7.Which of the following is an intangible asset?

Trade SecretsInventory and MachineryBusiness PremisesHardware components

Answer: 1)Trade Secrets

8.If a student gains unauthorized access to the student database and modifies his/her marks, what type of violation would it be?

IntegrityBoth the optionsConfidentiality

Answer: 2)Both the options

9.Which of the following is an attack against availability?

Birthday AttackDoS AttackMan in the Middle AttackZero Day Attack

Answer: 2)DoS Attack

10.Choose the correct option.


Answer: 3)Threat=Risk*Vulnerability

11.The type of attack in which the attacker intercepts the information in transit without altering it.

Active AttackInvasive Attack Passive Attack

Answer: 3)Passive Attack

12.The process of converting a message to an unintelligible form with the help of an algorithm and a key is known as _______.


Answer: 2)Encryption

13.What is the practice and study of techniques for secure communication in the presence of third parties, commonly called?

CryptographyEncryptionCryptanalysis Cybersecurity

Answer: 1)Cryptography

14.Which of the following security attribute is compromised when data or information is changed or tampered, either accidentally or maliciously?


Answer: 2)Integrity

15.Which of the following encryption methods is more suited for key exchange, non-repudiation, and authentication?

Assymmetric Key EncryptionSymmetric Key Encryption

Answer: 1)Assymmetric Key Encryption

16.Passive attacks are considered a threat to _______.


Answer: 3)Confidentiality

17.Which of the following attack method aims to gather confidential information by deceiving the victim?

PhishingSpoofingDrive-by DownloadSpamming

Answer: 1)Phishing

18.Which encryption method is more suitable for quickly encrypting large amounts of data?

Assymmetric Key EncryptionSymmetric Key Encryption

Answer: 2)Symmetric Key Encryption

Time to Evaluate Your Understanding!

1.A type of assessment that is often performed in a sandbox-virtual environment to prevent malware from actually infecting production systems is known as _________.

Black Box TestingDynamic AnalysisStatic AnalysisPenetration Testing

Answer: 2)Dynamic Analysis

2.A proactive process to predict potential risks efficiently.

Threat ModelingThreat AnalysisThreat HuntingThreat Landscaping

Answer: 2)Threat Hunting

3.SABSA Framework is commonly represented as _______ SABSA matrix.


Answer: 4)6x6

4.A kind of a network attack, where an unauthorized person gains access to a network and remains there undetected for a long duration is called _________.

Invisible ThreatsHidden ThreatsAdvanced Persistent ThreatsMalicious threats

Answer: 3)Advanced Persistent Threats

5.A process by which potential vulnerabilities and threats can be recognized, enumerated, and prioritized from a hypothetical attacker's pov is called ___________.

Threat LandscapingThreat Modeling Threat AnalysisThreat Hunting

Answer: 2)Threat Modeling

6.Which of the following are the three phases of Incident response maturity assessment?

Prepare, Response, and Follow-upPrepare, Identify, and analyzeReconnaissance, Installation, Command, and controlIdentify, Decompose, and Mitigate

Answer: 1)Prepare, Response, and Follow-up

Time to Evaluate Your Understanding!

1.Phishing emails include fake notifications from banks and e-payment systems.


Answer: 2)True

2.Which of these is true with respect to passwords?

None of the optionsPasswords need to be easyPasswords can be kept openlyPasswords need to be atleast 8 chars of length

Answer: 4)Passwords need to be atleast 8 chars of length

3.Which of these are Threats related to E-Mail Security?

All the optionsSpoofingPharmingPhishingSpam

Answer: 1)All the options

4.How do we define RADIUS?

Remote Authorization Dial-In User Service.Remote Authentication Dial-In User Service.Remote Authentication Service.Remote Authentication Dial-In Unified Service.

Answer: 2)Remote Authentication Dial-In User Service.

Final Assessment

1.________ is designed to extract data from its host computer for marketing purposes.


Answer: 4)Spyware

2.The telephone version of phishing that exploits social engineering techniques is known as __________.


Answer: 3)Vishing

3.A type of assessment that is often performed in a sandbox-virtual environment to prevent malware from actually infecting production systems is called ________.

Static AnalysisBlack Box TestingDynamic AnalysisPenetration Testing

Answer: 3)Dynamic Analysis

4.The three chains of RADIUS Security are ___________________.

Authentication, Availability, AccountingAuthorization, Availability, AccountingAuthentication, Authorization, Accounting

Answer: 3)Authentication, Authorization, Accounting

5.An error message displayed on the system, symbolizes virus infection.


Answer: 1)False

6.A kind of a network attack, where an unauthorized person gains access to a network and remains there undetected for a long duration is known as ______________.

Malicious threatsAdvanced Persistent ThreatsHidden ThreatsInvisible Threats

Answer: 2)Advanced Persistent Threats

7.As an application of cryptography, digital Signatures and MACs can be used for _____________.


Answer: 4)Authentication

8.The process of converting a message to an unintelligible form with the help of an algorithm and a key is known as _______.


Answer: 1)Encryption

9._________ is a standalone software that does not need human help/host program to spread.



Answer: 2)Worm

10.What is PUP?

Potentially Unwanted ProgramPractially Unwanted ProgramPotentially Unwanted ProcssPractically Unrelated Program

Answer: 1)Potentially Unwanted Program

11._________ is commonly known for providing backdoor access to the system for malicious users.


Answer: 1)Trojans

12.Which of the following is a physiological biometric that could be used for authentication?

SignatureVoice RecognitionFacial RecognitionGaitAll the options

Answer: 3)Facial Recognition

13.Which of the following encryption methods is more suited for key exchange, non-repudiation, and authentication?

Symmetric Key EncryptionAssymmetric Key Encryption

Answer: 2)Assymmetric Key Encryption

14.What is the type of malware that restricts access to the computer either by encrypting files on the hard drive or by displaying messages demanding a ransom?


Answer: 1)Ransomware

15.A pharming tactic in which the DNS table in a server is modified to deceive users by redirecting to fraudulent websites.

DNS PhishingSmishingVishingDNS Poisoning

Answer: 4)DNS Poisoning

16.Threats can exploit assets if assets are not vulnerable.


Answer: 1)False

17.Which of the following security attribute is compromised when data or information is changed or tampered, either accidentally or maliciously?

AvailabilityConfidentialityIntegrityRepudiationConfidentiality and Integrity

Answer: 5)Confidentiality and Integrity

18.Which of the following is an effective solution to ensure confidentiality?

Logging and AuditingEncryptionNetwork MonitoringData Hiding

Answer: 2)Encryption

19.A process by which potential vulnerabilities and threats can be recognized, enumerated, and prioritized from a hypothetical attacker's pov is called _______________.

Threat ModelingThreat LandscapingThreat AnalysisThreat Hunting

Answer: 1)Threat Modeling

20.__________ is a proactive process to predict potential risks efficiently.

Threat HuntingThreat ModelingThreat AnalysinThreat Landscaping

Answer: 1)Threat Hunting

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What is standalone software that does not need?

Standalone program, a program that does not require operating system's services to run. A portable application, which can be run without the need for installation procedure.

What are stand alone software and do not require any guidance to propagate?

Stand-alone software is any software application that's not bundled with other software, nor does it require anything else to run. Essentially, it's software that can "stand on its own," without help from the internet or another computer process. Tải thêm tài liệu liên quan đến nội dung bài viết _________ is a standalone software that does not need human help/host program to spread.

Video _________ is a standalone software that does not need human help/host program to spread. ?

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Nếu sau khi đọc nội dung bài viết _________ is a standalone software that does not need human help/host program to spread. vẫn chưa hiểu thì hoàn toàn có thể lại Comments ở cuối bài để Ad lý giải và hướng dẫn lại nha #standalone #software #human #helphost #program #spread - 2022-10-31 16:40:14
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