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Hä tªn bè đang tìm kiếm từ khóa What is the difference between personnel management and personnel administration? được Cập Nhật vào lúc : 2022-11-28 11:04:07 . Với phương châm chia sẻ Thủ Thuật về trong nội dung bài viết một cách Chi Tiết 2022. Nếu sau khi tham khảo nội dung bài viết vẫn ko hiểu thì hoàn toàn có thể lại Comments ở cuối bài để Ad lý giải và hướng dẫn lại nha.


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    What is the difference between personnel and management?What is the meaning of Personnel administration?What is the major difference between personnel management and human resource management?What is the role of personnel administration?

Assessment Criteria AC 1.1
Distinguish between personnel management and human resource management  

Below are questions pertaining to lesson 1. Please ensure to answer each question correctly.

1. What is human resource management?

A) A non-strategic approach, that is incoherent to employment, development of well-being of people within the organization.
B) The hiring, firing and development of people
C) An approach that develops individuals through training.
D) A strategic, integrated and coherent approach, to the development and well-being of the people working in organizations

2. Explain two differences between human resource management and personnel management.

3. Discuss the advantages of organizations practicing human resource management.

​Review The Video & Write A 150 Word Summary By Focusing On What You Have Learnt.


Teneosha Kennedy

9/10/2022 05:15:33 pm

1 D
2. Differences
1. “Personnel management is a traditional approach of managing people in the organization. Human resource management is a modern approach of managing people and their strengths in the organization.”

2. “Personnel management focuses on personnel administration, employee welfare and labor relation. Human resource management focuses on acquisition, development, motivation and maintenance of human resources in the organization”

3. Advantages
“HR managers devise hiring strategies for bringing in the right kind of people in their organization. They prepare their Job Descriptions which is best suited for the role in the company. After hiring they also plan for the employee’s induction with a well laid out training and development plans for them” (Bhagria 2022)

Performance of an individual is dependent on the work atmosphere or culture that prevails in an organization. Creating a good conducive working environment is expected task of the HR department. A safe and clean work culture helps in bringing the best of an employee and creates a higher job satisfaction. (Bhagria 2022)

Video 1
Human Resource management has evolved from simple hiring, firing and compensation employees. Today’s managers fulfill a variety of roles that require knowledge and competencies in areas that were once foreign to personnel managers who were only situated with using employees as just another resource that they hired and fired when necessary. Human resource managers now have ten professional areas that are used to identify and guide their services created by the Chartered Institute of personnel Management. These are: organizational design, service delivery and information, resources and talent planning, employees’ engagement and planning and reward etc. Human resource management is core to an organization management operation because it now understands that people are important asset to a firm and must be valued empowered and have some level of commitment to their organization; this can only be possible through proper HR management.

Stacy-Ann A Rowe

9/12/2022 10:08:29 pm

1. D
2. Two differences between human resource management and personnel management:
i) Personnel management is a traditional approach of managing people while human resource management is a modern approach of managing people (, 2022).

ii) Personnel management assumes people as an input for achieving desired output while human resource management assumes people as an important and valuable resources for achieving desired outputs (, 2022).

3. Organizations practicing human resource management prepare job descriptions which is best suited for the company. They are responsible for helping individuals to stay motivated and also help to build values and culture within the organization.

Video Summary
According to the video HR professionals no longer maintain personnel files and advise on hiring. firing and compensating.A variety of roles are fulfilled by them in areas that requires knowledge and competencies that were not known to them in the past. HRM was developed in the 1980s in the USA. HR now covers service delivery and information, organization design, organizaton development and so on.

2. The difference between the two is that personnel management focuses on managing workforce from an administrative standpoint while Human resource management involves managing the employees of the company.

Human resource management is the modern approach of managing people and their strengths while personnel management is the traditional approach of managing people in their organization.

3. It helps in hiring and training employees. In this case they develop hiring strategies to get the right persons involved in the organization and they also create their job description which is suited for the roles of the company.

It builds the value and culture of the organization where they aim to create a suitable environment for the employees to perform effectively.

Based on watching the video,the researcher have learned that the Human resource management was developed in the 1980's in USA. They play a variety of roles that requires knowledge and competencies. It was formed as a new approach into managing people in their organization. They are considered as one of the most important persons in the company and therefore they should be valued. HRM also focuses on administering people and control. On the other hand they are responsible for service delivery and information,organization design,resourcing and talent planning etc. It also comes with many benefits which contributes to the organization's effectiveness.

Toby Mcnickol

9/13/2022 03:14:21 pm

2.- Human Resource Management is a modern approach of managing people and their strengths while personnel management is a traditional approach of managing people in the organization.
-Personnel management is is a routine function while human resource management is is strategic function. LinkedIn (2022)
3.Discuss the advantages of organizations practicing human resource management
-Wage compression
-Measurement of practices
-High Wage
-Participation and empowerment Slideshare (2022).

Review Video
Human resource management was designed in the 1980s in the United States of America,Human resource management is categorized under ten professional aeras which includes service delivery and information,Organization design,resourcing and talent planning,learning and talent development,performance and reward,Employee engagement,employee relations,leading HR & insights,Strategy and solutions.Unlike personnel managemnet HR is not just hiring and firing but it is the core structure of the organization it was build as a newer approach in managing the employees in the organization,HR is not just for one manager but for all managers to apply.

Annalisa Wolfe-Forbes

9/14/2022 09:38:14 am


LEARNING OUTCOME: Understand the Difference between Personnel Development and Human Resiurce Management.

Ques 1: What is Human Resource Management?
Based on discussion held in class on September 12, 2022, my selected multiple choice answer is D. The strategic, integrated and coherent approach, to the development and well-being of the people working in organizations.

Qes 2: Explain two differences between human resource management and personnel management.

According to (Muhammed) 2022, personnel management is a routine function while human resource management is a strategic function. My understanding from this is that personnel management has a set procedure or practice to follow while human resource acts according to the need of the organization in that focus is mainly on the development of the organization.
Also, personnel management is a traditional approach while human resource is a modern approach(Surbhi, 2015). Whilst personnel management is traditional, human resource is wider in that it adds to the traditional aspect personnel management.

Ques 3: Discuss the advantages of organizations practicing human resource management.

The advantages of organization practising HRM are many. HRM is monitored by qualified specialists who know technnology and HRM functional and tactical process can manage compliance with federal and state laws, streamline processes for recruitment and selection, and produce analysis, data and reports for internal and external use. Other advantages of HRM include the ease of use for qualification computer technology specialists, accuracy of information and the ability to perform HR audits using any combination of parameters(Mayhew, 2022).
Another advantage of HRM is cost effective, making them reasonable for any kind of organization. Apart from saving costs and reform business process, HRM helps business concentrate on their core processes, without having to divert their attention to keeping their staff happy (Slideshare, 2022).

Video Review

Based on the video that I watched, I can say that Transformation of Personnel Management to Human Resource Management which was foreign to many in the past is now a modern approach that is used in organization in managing the people. It is no longer hiring and firing. It was developed in the united States in the 1980's. Human resource management sees the people as the most important asset that must be valued. empowered and committed. It also outlined ten professional areas, five of which are service delivery and information, organizational design, organizational development, resources and talent planning and learning and talent development. Human Resource which was once seeing as hiring and firing is now the effectiveness of an organization and is not only for Human Resource manager but also for all managers to apply (Salvatore et al. (2005).


Muhammed, A. (2022). Difference Between Personnel Management And Human Resource Management. [online] Available : [Accessed 13 Sep. 2016].

Surbhi, S. (2015). Difference Between Personnel Management and Human Resource Management (with Comparison Chart) - Key Differences. [online] Key Differences. Available : :// [Accessed 13 Sep. 2016].

Mayhew, R. (2022). Advantages & Disadvantages of Human Resource Information System. [online] Available : :// [Accessed 13 Sep. 2016].

Slideshare. (2022). Advantages of Human Resource Management Services. [online] Available : ://www.slideshare/humresource/advantages-of-human-resource-management-services [Accessed 13 Sep. 2016].

Sandra Morrison-Berry

9/15/2022 10:33:56 am

LEARNING OUTCOME ONE: Understand the Difference between Personnel Management and Human Resource Management.

Assessment Criteria AC 1.1
Distinguish between Personnel Management and Human Resource Management

1. What is human resource management

Human resource management is a strategic, integrated and coherent approach, to the development and well-being of the people working in organizations.

2. Explain two differences between human resources management and personnel management.

Human resource management is an updated version of personnel management.
Studies have shown by that one of the main differences between the two is;
(i) According to (, 2012) personnel management has a traditional approach, which is merely a predominantly record-keeping function and focuses on manpower planning, recruitment, job and so forth, while human resource management integrates the traditional approach with a modern one, to corporate goals and strategies and is more people-centred in the organizational development activities.
(ii) Another difference between the two as stated by (, n.d.) is that personnel management is concerned with personnel manager, while human resource management is concerned with all level of managers from the top to bottom.

3. Discuss the advantages of organizations practicing human resource management.

Having a strategic vision is key for human resource management to achieve its goals. Any organization that has a human resource strategy will see many advantages for the company such as:
Team-building - (Bradley, 2022) nicely put it when he said, human resource management foster a sense of team spirit and camaraderie within the organization. Input from managers, employees and customers plays a big part in the building of any organization and that’s why open communication is very important.
Another advantage is according to (Harrods, n.d.) is meeting the personal/psychological needs of employees, such as the need to feel that you can do something well, the need to be a part of a group and to be respected and encouraged by others. The human resource management can help them to fulfill their needs with non-financial rewards such as promotion, giving them a chance to make decision, contributing to a team and to be assigned to tasks.

Transformation of Personnel Management to Human Resource

After viewing the video posted by (Salvatore et al, 2005), my summation of it is that personnel management have now been transformed to human resource management. Days gone by personnel management was just about dealing with files, hiring, firing and compensation. This has been shifted to the human resource system which đơn hàng with knowledge and competencies. The human resource management came on stream in the 1980s in the USA with the philosophy that people are an organizations most valuable asset. Unlike personnel management which view people as its resource, hence the hiring and firing perception. Today human resource management has a more modern approach with a number of roles and functions, namely; service delivery and information, organization design, organizational development, resourcing and talent planning, employee engagement/relations, performance rewards and insights strategy solutions. In conclusion, the proactive approach for organizations through human resource management is more effective and more trustworthy and is for all levels of managers.

Reference Page (n.d.). Difference Between Personnel Management And Human Resource Management. [online] Available : :// [Accessed 13 Sep. 2016].

Bradley, J. (2022). [online] Available : :// [Accessed 13 Sep. 2016]. (2012). [online] Available : :// [Accessed 13 Sep. 2016].

Harrods, A. (n.d.). Benefits of Human Resource Management - Increasing employee engagement through HRM - Harrods | Harrods case studies, videos, social truyền thông and information | Business Case Studies. [online] Available : :// [Accessed 14 Sep. 2016].

Transformation of Personnel Management to HRM. (2005). [video] Salvatore et al.

Amanda Fisher

9/16/2022 10:12:24 am

1. D
2.The personnel management approach additionally worries about building up principles, arrangements, methods, and contracts, and endeavors to screen and uphold consistence to such directions, with cautious depiction of composed contract. The human resource administration approach stays anxious with guidelines and controls.

3.Labor arranging is a standout amongst the most essential obligation of the HR office. HR administrators devise enlisting methodologies for acquiring the right sort of individuals in their association. They set up their Job Descriptions which is most appropriate for the part in the organization. In the wake of procuring they additionally anticipate the representative's acceptance with a well laid out preparing and advancement gets ready for them.

1. D
2. from what i've learnt, human resource management differ from personnel management in ways such that personnel management is more traditional than human resource thus, personal is more into personal manager but human resource caters to all level of management.
3. human resource management is very advantageous in ways that it builds the teams, culture of the organization. HRM also involves in the development of individuals in the organization both to promote company growth and also individual growth.

from the beginning of HRM it mainly focused on little things such as firing, hiring and paying staff. But as time progresses and other elements are recognized, HRM gradually change to fulfill more purpose that the recently stated. knowledge and competency was the main change that occurred. that focused on humans on a hold, and how they can be developed more. HRM are management skills not only human resource managers use but also other management areas on a hold. HRM saw the need to develop further than just the traditional way (Personnel management). HRM is now concerned with all skills and everyone who has the skills and more. what the organization can do for the individuals and visa versa.

Tashaye Blake

9/18/2022 07:20:51 pm

1. What is human resource management
Answer : D) A strategic, integrated and coherent approach, to the development and well-being of the people working in organizations

2. Explain two differences between human resource management and personnel management.
Answer: Personnel management is a traditional approach to managing people in an organization while human resource management is a modern approach to managing people in an organization. Personnel management mainly focus on employees welfare and labour related problems while human resource focus on the development of employees while giving the motivation.

3:Discuss the advantages of organizations practicing human resource management.
Answer: Human resource management ensures that the culture ,values ,and structure of the organization is withheld while bring motivation and commitment to its members to achieve the goals of the organization.

​Review The Video & Write A 150 Word Summary By Focusing On What You Have Learnt
Answer: what I've learnt from this video is that personnel management is outdates in today's society while human resource management is the new age management of employees in organizations .Human resource management was developed in the United States of America in the 1980's as a new way to develop the employees as they are the most important asset and they should be valued. Personnel management focus on administering people as a resource and not an asset.Human resource management put a lot of emphasis on the
development and well-being of the people working in organizations

Amoy Gentles

9/19/2022 05:34:58 am

1. What is human resource management?
D) A strategic, integrated and coherent approach, to the development and well-being of the people working in organizations.
2. Explain two differences between human resource management and personnel management. (2022) stated the following as two difference between human resource management and personnel management:
Personnel management focuses on personnel administration, employee welfare and labor relation within a business. Human resource management focuses on acquisition, development, motivation and maintenance of human resources in an organization.
Personnel management focuses on increased production and satisfied employees, while human resource management focuses on effectiveness, culture, productivity and employee's participation/engagement.
3. Discuss the advantages of organizations practicing human resource management.
Bradley (2022) stated that the following are few advantages that organizations get from practicing human resource management:
-The premise of strategic Human Resource Management is that the company's policies and procedures related to employees that makes policies fit easily into the organization's broader strategic plan.
- Strategic HRM helps to foster a sense of team spirit and camaraderie within the organization. A company's strategic vision will ideally rely on input from a broad range of stakeholders including managers, employees, customers and investors. Creating an HR strategy that aligns with this sense of open communication can have the major benefit of helping stakeholders feel like their opinions are valued and meaningful to the company's owners and executives.
Video summary
This video is about Human resource management. Human resource management covers service delivery and information, organization design, organizational development, resourcing and talent planning, learning and talent development, performance and rewards, employees engagement, employee relations, leading hr and insight strategy and solutions within an organization.
Reference (2022). Difference Between Personnel Management And Human Resource Management. [online] Available : :// [Accessed 18 Sep. 2016].
Bradley, J. (2022). The Advantages of the Human Resource Management Strategy. [online] Available : :// [Accessed 18 Sep. 2016].


9/19/2022 12:28:19 pm

1. What is human resource management?
A) A non-strategic approach, that is incoherent to employment, development of well-being of people within the organization.
(answer ) B) The hiring, firing and development of people
C) An approach that develops individuals through training.
D) A strategic, integrated and coherent approach, to the development and well-being of the people working in organizations

2. Explain two differences between human resource management and personnel management.
*human resource management focus on group interest while personal management focus on individual interest
*personal management focuses on increase production and human resources on the other hand focus on effectiveness and productivity.

3. Discuss the advantages of organizations practicing human resource management.
the advantage is that it will enable persons to be motivated to work hard and complete task hand efficiently.

1. The hiring, firing and development of people

2., (2013) identify the following two characteristics amongst HRM and Personnel Management:
“Personnel management is a traditional approach of managing people in the organization, while human resource management is a modern approach of managing people and their strengths in the organization”.

“Personnel management focuses on personnel administration, employee welfare and labour relation, while human resource management focuses on acquisition, development, motivation and maintenance of human resources in the organization”.

3., (2022) stated that organization who practise human resources management are more likely to function better as this strategy help them to evaluate human resources policies, foster team building, help monitors progress and keep the organization legal.

4. According to the video human resources management is a function in organizations designed to maximize employee performance in service of employee strategic objectives. HRM is primarily concerned with the management of people within organizations focusing on policies and on system. HR departments and units in organizations typically undertake a number of activities, including employee benefits design, employee recruitment, training and development, performance appraisal, and rewarding.

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What is the difference between personnel and management?

Personnel management focuses on the maintenance of all personnel and administrative systems, whereas human resource management has a more strategic approach, forecasting the organisation's needs and continuously monitoring and adjusting all systems.

What is the meaning of Personnel administration?

: the phase of management concerned with the engagement and effective utilization of manpower to obtain optimum efficiency of human resources.

What is the major difference between personnel management and human resource management?

Personnel management primarily focuses on ordinary activities, such as employee hiring, remunerating, training, and harmony. On the contrary, human resource management focuses on treating employees as valued assets, which are to be valued, used and preserved.

What is the role of personnel administration?

Personnel administrators are responsible for recruiting new staff members and assisting them during the onboarding process. Their duties include conducting interviews, vetting applicants, and overseeing personnel performance reviews. They usually work within the human resources department of a company. Tải thêm tài liệu liên quan đến nội dung bài viết What is the difference between personnel management and personnel administration?

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