Video Why is data the most important asset in organization possesses what other assets in the organization require protection? - Lớp.VN

Kinh Nghiệm về Why is data the most important asset in organization possesses what other assets in the organization require protection? 2022

Bùi Ngọc Phương Anh đang tìm kiếm từ khóa Why is data the most important asset in organization possesses what other assets in the organization require protection? được Update vào lúc : 2022-09-28 16:36:24 . Với phương châm chia sẻ Bí quyết về trong nội dung bài viết một cách Chi Tiết 2022. Nếu sau khi Read tài liệu vẫn ko hiểu thì hoàn toàn có thể lại Comments ở cuối bài để Admin lý giải và hướng dẫn lại nha.

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    Answer:                                                                                        Data is important in the organizationg because without it an oraganization will lose its record of transactions and/or its ability to deliver value to its customer .other assets that require protection include the ability of the organization to function,the safe operation of applications and technology assets Uploaded byAvailable FormatsShare this documentDid you find this document useful?Is this content inappropriate?Review Questions Chapter 2Uploaded bySimilar DocumentsWhy is data the most important asset an organization processes what other assets in the organization require protection?What is the most important asset in an organization?What is the most important asset to be protected in any organization?Why is data important in an organization?

Answer:                                                                                        Data is important in the organizationg because without it an oraganization will lose its record of transactions and/or its ability to deliver value to its customer .other assets that require protection include the ability of the organization to function,the safe operation of applications and technology assets

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Review Questions Chapter 2

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2.Why is data the most important asset an organization possesses? What other assetsin the organization require protection?

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3.It is important to protect data in motion (transmission) and data rest (storage). Inwhat other state must data be protected? In which of the three states is data mostdifficult to protect?

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4.How does a threat to information security differ from an attack? How can the twooverlap?

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5.How can dual controls, such as two-person confirmation, reduce the threats fromacts of human error and failure? What other controls can reduce this threat?

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6.Why do employees constitute one of the greatest threats to information security?

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7.What measures can individuals take to protect against shoulder surfing?

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...Date | Week | Topics | 30/11/14-6/12/14 | Week 1 | Ice Breaking & Chapter 1a ( Introduction To Management) & Chapter 1b (Evolutions Of Management Thought)-Ice Breaking Session-Inform about entrance & exit survey-Provide information regarding Lesson Plan, Assessment and Quizzes-Tutorial Activity: * Discuss about 4 process of management that have been practised as a student in their daily life or during an sự kiện that they involved. * Share the process by a short and simple presentation. * Answer past year exams question on Ch2 (Quiz 10 minutes)-Students need to draw mind map for Chp 1 on white board and do short review -Blended Learning: Share how a company involved in POLC for an sự kiện for the organization | 7/12/14-13/12/14 | Week 2 | Chapter 2 (Planning)-Students need to draw mind map for Chp 2 on white board and do short review -Tutorial Activity: * Answer past year exams question on Ch2(Quiz 10 minutes) * If planning is important, why do some managers choose not do it? Submit a short presentation about planning barriers and the benefit of the planning.-Blended Learning:Students are request to share their planning that they have prepare to study in UiTM | 14/12/14-20/12/14 | Week 3 | Chapter 3 (The Nature Of Decision Making)-Students need to draw mind map for Chp 3on white board and do short review -Tutorial Activity: * Answer past year exams question on Ch3 (Quiz 10 minutes) * Form a group of 4 persons. Students need to discuss......

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Why is data the most important asset an organization processes what other assets in the organization require protection?

Why is data the most important asset an organization possesses? What other assets in the organization require protection? Because data represents the ability to deliver value to its customers, without data the organisation would not be able to carry out its day to day functions.

What is the most important asset in an organization?

Therefore, employees are the most valuable assets an organization has. It's their abilities, knowledge, and experience that can't be replaced. So, going forward, organizations need to place emphasis and importance on the contribution that employees that they have in order to propel themselves ahead.

What is the most important asset to be protected in any organization?

It is widely believed that employees are a company's most valuable assets. Yet in the course of meeting customer demands and managing unpredictable daily operations, many businesses overlook the importance of having a thoughtful workplace safety program in place to protect their most valuable assets.

Why is data important in an organization?

Data allows organizations to more effectively determine the cause of problems. Data allows organizations to visualize relationships between what is happening in different locations, departments, and systems. Tải thêm tài liệu liên quan đến nội dung bài viết Why is data the most important asset in organization possesses what other assets in the organization require protection?

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Nếu sau khi đọc nội dung bài viết Why is data the most important asset in organization possesses what other assets in the organization require protection? vẫn chưa hiểu thì hoàn toàn có thể lại Comment ở cuối bài để Ad lý giải và hướng dẫn lại nha #data #important #asset #organization #possesses #assets #organization #require #protection - 2022-09-28 16:36:24
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